I had looked at a lot of reading programs before I came across another Your Baby Can Read review and after using the product for about a year now I thought I would write my own personal experiences with it.
My wife and I have 3 children and we really emphasize the importance of a good education. That's why when the kids were still very young we began to work with them so they would be very well prepared for school when it came time. A lot of people do not realize that the early years of a baby are so impressionable and that the mind can soak up all kinds of information if we just chanel that energy in the right direction.
We already knew we wanted to teach out kids to read when they were young, but we needed a program that would be best suited for out situation. My wife is astay-at-home-mom so she would have plenty of time to work with the 3 kidos. After seeing a TV commerical for Hooked on Phonics we gave it a try. It was a lot of fun for us, but the kids got really bored because those sounds didn't mean anything. They could say "d-d dog" all they wanted, but it seemed to confuse them a little. I know some schools use this approach in kindergarden and 1st grade, but even when children are 2 and 3 you can teach them in much more effective ways.
Then we came across Your Baby Can Read and really knew it was different. The promises they made seemed totally off the wall though. Teach your kid to read when they are still 5 months old? That's just crazy. What I did not realize is that although they can't read a Charles Dickens novel at that age, they COULD learn the concepts of reading and learn to recognize words and what they mean as well.
Along with the program came some books, cue cards, DVD videos and CDs and everything was really well put together. Then as we started using Your Baby Can Read we saw the reason this system was going to be so effective. It was using the childs senses as a tool and making it fun for them as well. Besides seeing the word, and hearing the word, they are able to see the word in action. All of these factors help to solidify that word in the child's mind and help them gain confidence to read.
Right now Your Baby Can Read is offering a 30 day trial with 3 free gifts as well. This system may not be for you, but it's worth taking a look if you are interested. Be sure to check out my wife's review of Your Baby Can Read here. Read More...