We also learned A.M. and P.M. and early and late. Again, no problem.

Then comes the second part of the lesson;money.I tell her the values of the pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. So far, so good. I ask her to show me one cent. No problem. O.k. five cents. Five pennies, good, good. O.k. what else could five cents look like? Uh.... Ok, remember the nickel? That's five cents too. O.k. back on track. Show me five cents two ways. She does it. Good. Now, what is one penny and one nickel? Blank stare. What are five pennies and one penny? Six cents. Good! One penny and one nickel? Two cents. How much is one nickel? Five cents. O.k. and one penny? One cent. Add them together. Crickets chirp. O.k. What number comes after five? I don't know. Come on, you know this, what comes after five? Blank stare. Groan. O.k. lesson over for the day.

She did do a little freehand writing, which I find adorable, especially her grocery lists. She's spelling everything phonetically so she's applying what she knows without all of the complicated rules:

Craft wise, we have been doing a bit of this and that. She is learning to knit but isn't coordinated enough to hold both needles on her own. I am thinking that she could really get the hang of crochet though. She knows which way the needles go so it's a start. I think crafts are good because they take a certain discipline and teach patience.

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