I've also begun seriously potty training my son and trying to (unsuccessfully) wean my youngest. She does not want that to happen. Sabr, InshaALLAH.
It's also report card time since we just finished up our first six weeks. This bit of record keeping is certainly more for my sake than my daughter. I must print off a certificate of achievement for her because she has done so well. This site has a nice award maker
I have to reevaluate and try to challenge her more in this next six weeks, InshaALLAH. She does her work almost effortlessly and this is after introducing a more formal and technical program like Saxon. And, it's first grade work and she's four. I don't want to overwhelm her but I will not have done my job if everything is a piece of cake.
Not that everything is so easy. Teaching Qur'an is frustrating. It is hard. Her recall is excellent though, Masha'ALLAH. Once she gets into a rhythm it comes easy. The real test is for me. Just when I think that she is not memorizing it, the shaiateen start whispering. It would be so easy to say "Alright, that's good enough for today" and leave it alone but I know that we won't get anywhere like that. So on we go.

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