This is a free-writing exercise about spring and how it affects our surroundings. She was supposed to write something without any help.This is a part of the Saxon Math program.

We made 3D fruits(a watermelon and an apple courtesy of enchanted learning) today and yesterday and made a mini-mobile with them. Do you know how hard it was for me to find a wire hanger in the house?! We had one. Makes me think of this.
We're also exploring the different phases of the day, such as morning and afternoon.

Once noon comes in my daughter switches the clock. This is actually part of the Saxon Math program but we are also using it to talk about other parts of the day and night in relation to prayer times and the rising and setting of the sun.
Since the baby is on it's way, InshaALLAH, I've also got to keep busy studying Arabic in the evenings. I've taken three courses online through Shariah Program and Sunni Path. I have most of what I need to keep going on my own, InshaALLAH but I need to strengthen my vocabulary and focus on the ten forms of verbs. Arabic is not easy and takes lots of endurance.
I've also been busy getting sweaters, blankets and booties ready. I made this sweater using a pattern by Lorraine Major

and I started the Vintage Stripe Blanket via Bella Dia
by chaining 150 but it might still be a wee bit too big. It is made with odds and ends of yarns that I have. Oh well, this will be a warm baby, InshaALLAH.

You can also check it out on ravelry and I shall also need to make Saartje's Bootees to go along with the sweater.
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