It's so much easier to keep up with this one! I still have the weather graphs and the other accessories up but this will save a lot of time, InshaALLAH. I also need to add the Hindi numerals so that they can practice their Arabic counting as well.
My son is doing well with his reading, MashaALLAH and learning new words by the day. We are still doing the alphabet folders and should have the next couple finished soon, InshaALLAH.
Today, we played around with the Scrabble letter tiles. I asked him to put them in alphabetical order and he used the mini chalkboard as a guide. He knows how to sing them in order but I didn't allow him to sing the ABC song as he went along. This frustrated him but I made him finish.

Tomorrow, InshaALLAH, I think we will work with some whole words (three letters) and see how many he can figure out....
In other news, the illegible handwriting issue is being resolved, InshaALLAH. We are doing a unit study on the animal kingdom and classification and it has some nice copywork pages for my daughter.
I made her go over it several times to correct the punctuation mistakes and saw her using this:

What a funny kid!
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