Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Science/Nature Study/Art

I recently purchased The Handbook of Nature Study to go along with lessons from the blog. Are any of you familiar with this massive text? It has over 700 pages! There's a lot of info inside and without the blog, I don't think I would want to organize it on my own.

I've been peeking at her blog for quite a while and sometimes I just do the activities without reading through all of the lessons, (she also has another blog with art lessons by the way).

Here, we are pressing flowers between pieces of cardboard,(not with the nature study book, lol). We pressed a leaf from the maple tree in our back yard too.

We've also bloomed some flowers from the forsythia in the front yard by bringing in some cuttings and putting them in water a few weeks before spring arrived. The kids got a kick out of that and so did I, lol.

You can also see all the other goodies that they brought inside, like the pine cones and pine needles.

This gets us outside to explore ALLAH's Creation and to spend quality time together. They go outside all the time to play but I feel like they really get a chance to appreciate their surroundings and learn about the place in which they live. It also gives us all a bit of exercise, (ahem, especially mommy).


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