For the past month or so, I've been gathering our books and trying to figure out which path to take for our homeschool. I've read countless blogs to get fresh ideas and mapped out my own. The biggest challenge for us is creating a proper history/geography course and a literature curriculum that is not too far advanced but offers a challenge to my oldest.
My son is using Saxon Phonics I and Saxon Math I and he's doing quite well with both. I purchased their kindergarten math last year for him and I think it was mostly a waste of time because the lessons were too easy and stretched over two books so it became tedious. He likes the grade one program and looks forward to the lessons, and the routine helps him sit still, lol.

For calendar time, I have set up our old calendar and converted it into a hijri calendar by using the downloads from A Muslim Child is Born. MashaALLAH, go and visit that blog if you haven't - there are so many resources, AlhamduLILLAH.
In the mornings, we start off the day with Qur'an, Arabic and Islamic Studies. We slacked off a little on Juz 'Amma so we have to finish it up, InshaALLAH. I purchased some thin silver wire from the dollar store and hung it across the front of the classroom so that we can use it as a sort of word wall.

Right now, we're using it for Arabic. Currently, I am using clothes pins to hang our "laundry".

I think we may also use it for the 99 Names and Attributes of ALLAH as a visual reminder, InshaALLAH.
Well, it's getting late here, InshaALLAH I will explain some more in detail later. Have a safe and beneficial Ramadan, Ameen.
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