Friday, July 9, 2010

MashaALLAH! She's done it!

It's nice to be inspired/challenged by my children. They are young but they illustrate just how much time there is in a day and how much can be accomplished. They just sit down and do the work. Don't get me wrong, they know how to goof off and procrastinate, but sometimes they are so much better at focusing on their work.

My six year old has completed her task of reading 50 books in a year, mashaALLAH and she's done it in 11 months. Some of these books were easy to read and some were way beyond her scope - like Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, (or so I thought).  I'm thinking of getting her an ereader as her prize because as soon as she read the 50th book, she picked up an old favorite and started reading it again.

I started my own 50 books in a year back in January and I'm almost halfway through. This challenge is no joke! I've hit a brick wall and my motivation has faltered a bit. Still, I'm trying to regain my composure and get ahead of schedule (I'm on books 19, 20 and 21) but I'm sharing my time with other endeavors (trying to get in some exercise and Arabic/Islamic studies, homeschool planning, Ramadan planning - eek!).

What are some ways that you challenge yourselves?


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