It was also confirmed that there is no gestational diabetes this pregnancy (woohoo!)so I thank you tremendously for your du'a. I spent about two and a half hours downtown at the hospital waiting to get my Rho(D) immune globulin injection so I couldn't fast that day. I hardly ate anything though. Once you get into the fasting mode, the appetite comes back a lot slower than one expects. I have to get these injections every pregnancy since I am Rh negative.
Here is our Cave of Hira.

It should be good with one more coat of paint. I am using it as practice for my daughter's Qur'an recitations. Each time she has to recite a different surah to get some goodies for herself and her brother and sister. So far there has been a bit of candy and an assortment of dollar store treasures. They are pretty excited about the whole thing so I am glad that we did it. Now I need to find a moment to finish painting it!
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