Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Putting the Leaves on the Tree

Today, the children and I finally put up the Big Realistic Tree.

Indoor Tree II

It took a little while to punch out all the pieces - there are 69 leaves in there! Eventually, I would like to laminate the tree, but in the meantime, I will have to do the leaves and cut them out (yikes).

Putting the Leaves Back on the Tree

What I would like to do is study the Prophet's (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam)family tree and use it to study the prophets of Islam. First, I think we might discuss in general what a family tree is and use our immediate family so that they get the idea behind it.

I also put the green felt on the wall so that the kids can use it any time they want instead of waiting for me to get out that heavy board.

Felt board three bears

I think I might make a felt set of Arabic letters soon InshaALLAH so that they can play around with those. There is a template here that can be used.

My older daughter is anxious for the arrival of the new baby and has been extensively studying her calendar and counting how many days are left for the due date. I told her that only ALLAH knows the sure date but she's still calculating, lol.

Yesterday was Monday

She's been working hard on her Arabic with her dad in the evenings and her abacus work is getting tougher so they've been putting in some extra time on that as well.

Arabic Learning

Then, they did a little coloring

Scribbling the Sky

and a little pillow-fort building

Pillow Fort

and I did a mountain of laundry (including the soon to be newborn's, InshaALLAH) and I've finished knitting a few more things including the Sheepy sack

Sheepy Sack I

the Perfect Baby Bib

Perfect Baby Bib

and another Ottobre Soaker

Another Ottobre.

Now that I am tired, I have to go finish cleaning because my midwife scheduled my home visit for the morning.


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