Here are some more (blurry) pics of the baby and one of the staples that they removed, can you tell that I was bored? It's funny because I used the point and shoot camera for these so they shouldn't be blurry but they are.
I started off with Demerol, then the epidural, morphine, Percocet, and now Oxycodone. Medication perhaps? LOL. I only have a limited amount and so far, I seem to be naturally weaning myself, Masha'ALLAH. I was so scared during the cesarean all I could do was make du'a. I could feel every pull and tug and cut but without the pain of course. I was freezing cold and shaking and felt like I had so much pressure on my chest. My shoulders and neck hurt afterward and I needed a massage and a heat pack. My last birth was natural so this was certainly a test and SubhanALLAH what a test it was!

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