Here she is in her baby hammock. My husband got this for $8 CDN last summer at a yard sale from a lady who used it maybe a couple of times. They cost a lot more brand new.

When we got to the science centre, the outside was empty but there was a significant lineup inside for the film. Of course, we couldn't get tickets at that point (it's separate from the free pass, apparently) so we ate lunch and proceeded to explore the areas designated for play.

It was nice to let them run free and explore without worry. My son really liked to run from station to station and he could be as rough and inquisitive as he wanted.

My middle daughter seemed to enjoy herself as well, although I think she spent most her time trying to follow the others.

It's hard to catch her smile. She tends to frown a lot.

They managed to pull their dad into the fun in the bubble center

and then they were literally off and running.

I will stop here for now but there are more pictures to come, InshaALLAH. We've been so busy around here that I barely had time to upload the pictures (I took 191 photos that day).
Oh, and if you plan to go to the Ontario Science Centre and you're a nursing mom, there are designated rooms for nursing your little ones. There was also an area for salat in the Sultans of Science area and a cafeteria on the lower level for bag lunches.
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