We're still carrying on in our homeschool as usual but we are enjoying the sunlight much more this year. We are getting more adjusted to the changes in our household as the days pass AlhamduLILLAH, (new baby and mother-in-law lives a bit farther away).
It has been a busy time around here without her daily help but my husband has filled in the gaps brilliantly, Masha'ALLAH. He is gently pushing us to learn more du'a and Qur'an (myself included) by turning it into a bit of a competition. My daughter has an incredible memory, MashaALLAH and she's trying to surpass me! LOL I need to step up my game, InshaALLAH.

I'm also being more physically active with the kids so we have a bit of an improvised recess session every day. Right now, we're working on a lapbook about the parts/functions of plants and flowers and I should have some pictures of our activities in a day or so, InshaALLAH.

The kids adore flowers and would rather go picking them and pretending to plant gardens than play sometimes, lol.

Of course, this is never good for me and my poor little tulips have suffered.

This was just from a couple of weeks ago - aren't they nice? My two-year-old pulled them up the next morning so they aren't there anymore. :( Oh well, InshaALLAH they will be back next year.
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