I like that she can do some of the pages and check her answers by herself.

However, she still needs loads of practice, so I've taken note of her weaknesses and generated worksheets from SuperKids Math with only the problems that she hasn't memorized. I feel that she should be doing this much faster and the solution is just drills, drills, drills.
She's doing well with her Islamic Studies. We're still in book one of Muhammad Rasulullah The Last Prophet(Sallalahu alayhi wa salaam).

She thinks it's fun and she's learning a bit of vocabulary here and there.

Phonics is mostly good. She's practicing her sentence writing and for some reason, she's being a bit lazy about capital letters and her penmanship could use a bit of work, so I might have to get her to do a bit of copywork - probably from a book.

She's also working hard on her Qur'an with my husband, mashaALLAH. He's gotten her halfway through Ayatul Kursi.
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