We did nothing extraordinary these past couple of weeks - not that we could have. A couple of Fridays ago, I felt a strange pain in my thigh and back and had difficulty picking up the baby. By the evening, I couldn't walk at all!
My husband took us all to the doctor's office when he came home from work, where they diagnosed me with sciatica. They were nice enough to give me two prescriptions and send me on my way. The pain comes and goes - especially after extensive walking, but AlhamduLILLAH, it's nothing like it was. Ive experienced it before but this time was shocking! Not being able to walk was tough on all of us, SubhanALLAH.
AlhamduLILLAH, the pain has subsided and we were able to venture out in the beautiful weather of last week for a bit.

We've been reading a lot,(the boy is getting better!), writing a little and playing all the rest of the time. Hooray for breaks!
By the way, penpals, look in your mail in about a week, InshaALLAH. I just now had the chance to get stamps. Sisters who have emailed me in the last few weeks, the replies are coming, InshaALLAH.
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