"These days, a sinister campaign is going on in an organized manner, to tarnish the image of, and to malign against Islamic faith, Holy Quran and teachings of the Prophet (PUBH), by linking terrorism with Islam and distorting the meanings of Quranic verses and the Prophet traditions. Therefore, please clarify what is the clear stand of Islam towards world peace? What are the guidelines issued to humanity in Quran and Prophet’s traditions about this matter?-- Mahmood Asad Madani.
Fatwa issued on the letter head of Darul Uloom Deoband.(Signed and sealed by the Grand Mufti and his three Assistants in the Fatwa Department of Darul Uloom Deoband).
Ref: 685 BIn the name of Allah, most gracious and most mercifulAnswer (with the blessings of Allah): Islam is a religion of Peace and Harmony. In Islam, creating social discord or disorder, breach of peace, rioting, bloodshed, pillage or plunder and killing of innocent persons anywhere in the world are ALL considered most inhuman crimes.
There are several verses in the Quran that strictly prohibit the breach of peace. “Do not spread discord on Earth after it has been set in order” (Surah Aaraf, V. 56); “When he (the mischief-maker) turns his back, his aim is to spread mischief everywhere on earth, to destroy crops and cattle but Allah loveth not mischief.” (Surah AlBaqarah V. 205); “And do not spread discord on the (face of the) earth” (Surah alBaqarah V. 60).
The Quran clearly states that the killing of (even) one innocent person is equivalent to massacre of all humankind because its like opening the floodgates that creates a situation beyond anyone’s control; while saving one life is equivalent to the rescue of all humankind. Allah says “On that account: We ordained for the children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life. It would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.” (Surah Maidah, V. 32) in another place it has been clearly ordered, “and do not kill any one whose killing has been prohibited except in just manner.”
The extent of Islam’s emphasis on peace can be seen from the fact that even while granting the right of self-defense to the oppressed, it insists that no excess be committed in retribution and strictly forbids the targeting of any innocent person. Thus, Allah Almighty says, “Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors”. That is why the Prophet (PUBH) insisted that even during a war, human rights must be fully respected. Several examples of such teaching are to be found in the Prophet’s traditions.
Besides, Islam teaches is that all the creatures of Allah are like one family and whoever treats this family of Allah with compassion and mercy would be loved the most by Allah (Baihaqi). Our Prophet Mohammad (PUBH) has said that Allah takes mercy upon those who take mercy upon fellow human beings. You treat the inhabitants of earth with compassion and the inhabitant of Heaven (Allah) shall show compassion towards you (Tirmizi, Abu Dawood).
In short, Islam rejects all kinds of unwarranted violence, breach of peace, bloodshed, killing and plunder and does not allow it in any form. It is a basic principle of Islam that you assist each other in the pursuit of good and righteous causes and NOT TO COOPERATE with ANYONE for committing sin or oppression.
Allah Almighty says: “Help ye one another in righteousness and piety but help ye not one another sin and rancour.” It is evident from the clear guidelines given in the Holy Quran that the allegation of terrorism against a religion like Islam which enjoins world peace is nothing but a lie. In fact, Islam was born to wipe out all kinds of terrorism and to spread the message of global peace. Allah knows the best.
Signed by:Mufti Habibur Rehman, Grand Mufti, Darul Uloom Deoband
Ratified by:1. Zain ul Islam Qasmi (Deputy Mufti, Darul Uloom Deoband)2. Mufti Waqar Ali (Assistant Mufti
Darul Uloom Deoband)3. Mufti Mehmoodul Hasan Bulanshehari
Issued under the seal of Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband