I recently received the Rosetta Stone Arabic program and I am giving myself more work! I hope to get a nice routine going and then introduce it to my daughter in the fall, InshaALLAH. This is the homeschool edition so it has lesson plans laid out and a multitude of available options such as a full year program for each level (there are three), or you can focus on listening skills, speaking skill, etc. The good thing about the homeschool edition is that you can pay in interest-free installments, AlhamduLILLAH.
I have been a bit lazy with the 10 Forms Chart for Arabic Verbs so I had to break out the books again:

This one has an excellent condensed explanation at the beginning which helped me to remember the main points of the 10 Forms:

Along with this, we have a set of storybooks in Arabic from seller Arabicprints on eBay. We bought these some time ago so you would have to ask if they are able to find more. The brother who sold them was very nice and we were able to buy several Arabic resources from him.

These are written in Arabic and I need to go through them and translate. They are written in a comic book style with plenty of Arabic to read. There's Nuh Alayhis Salaam (Noah), Musa Alayhis Salaam (Moses), Yunus Alayhis Salaam (Jonah) and so on.
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