We hadn't done any painting in a while so today the kids convinced me to grab the watercolors. I have a few photos in a note booking group on http://www.flickr.com/ and the moderator of the group documents her homeschool in photographs there. She had a clever idea for teaching her kids to spell the days of the week. Just take a white sheet of paper and have them copy the words in white crayon. Then, they can use watercolor paints on the paper and the words will show up. My daughter was thrilled when the words appeared. Quick and easy fun, he he.

Also my son has developed a fascination with eggs. He wants to hatch them and take care of the babies! While this is adorable, it is costing me eggs. He went to the fridge and convinced his big sister to get a couple of eggs out for him. He tried to hatch them on the living room floor. Now, he is making his own eggs out of Play-Doh,(AlhamduLILLAH) for his dinosaurs.

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