There was enough space to put our games and some of our boxed puzzles on the bottom so that helps to keep the classroom uncluttered. On top are the rest of our puzzles, the abacus and a book return bin.

My daughter can choose to read whatever she likes and when she finishes, she must bring it back to the bin and then I can put it on the shelf in the proper order.
I didn't add library cards yet but I think they are important in case she stops bringing the books back to be shelved. Without them I have no idea what is really missing until I find books buried in the sofa or under the dining table.
Outside our classroom doorway is a long hall.

The white wall is where I would like to place a bulletin board with the Qur'an verses of the week, du'a of the week, and hadith of the week for the upcoming school year, InshaALLAH. Also, I found this tree and must have it in order to teach about the family tree of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhis wa salaam)and our own family tree as well.
To the immediate left is the washroom that has our Arabic poster and English sign (this one is courtesy of former tenants). I also need to add the du'a for entering and exiting the washroom.

Farther down is Qamar perched on his tree

and the far wall has everything for science.

The mats with the planets are from Walmart. They were about $1 CDN in the section with kitchen towels and table linens.

I hope this is helpful to someone, InshaALLAH and please, if you have ideas let me know!
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