Another task that is taking considerable time is our tentative schedule. More about that later, InshaALLAH.
What I have been working on (finally), is a calendar and clock with the Islamic/Arabic script numerals. I couldn't find anything online so I had to make my own. Does that happen to you too? These seem like basic items but they aren't available anywhere that I have searched. Perhaps I am looking in the wrong places? Allahu 'aalam.

Anyway, I made a clock and here's the pdf template if you need it. You will need Adobe Reader.
It's best printed on card stock and laminated. I plan to use it with this book among others from Troid Store. My husband bought all of the Arabic Learning workbooks from their site when my daughter was about one, lol. We planned to homeschool from the start and I am glad that he had the vision to get these materials so long ago, Masha'ALLAH.
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