She's currently finishing the third installment of her second grade reading series and I think that we will both be glad when she's done, InshaALLAH. Then, I hope to take a stronger literature approach.

We are also pushing along with multiplication and we've added copywork so that it will sink in.

She started division as well and she's grasping the concepts well, AlhamduLILLAH.

Then, we made a lapbook/folder for the letter "B".

We use Alphabooks so that my son can learn whole words as he recognizes the letters and their sounds.

For the inside, we used a story called A Little Bird and we made a hand puppet to go along with the poem.

We also made paper boats after listening to and reading Curious George Rides a Bike and of course they had to try them out immediately.

The instructions are in the book and once my daughter got the hang of it, she was off and running.

We made 19 boats throughout the day!

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