Still, I like to give them a little variety now and then, so my husband went to the library and picked up a few read along books.

It started off sort of shaky because my two year old thought they were movies and she got really angry because there was only a voice and nothing to watch, lol. After she settled down things went well until my four year old wanted to be the one in charge of turning the pages. Big sis (five) thought she should be in charge because she is the only one who can read. Little brother promptly told her that he can read too (cat, sat, mat, at, etc, lol). Then, the fighting started. Overall, it was a good experience and I now know what rules to establish before we try it again.
In other news, my daughter is doing well with her multiplication and division and today I asked her to fill in as much of the multiplication table as she could (without the answer sheet) so that I could see which numbers need special attention.

It looks like it will be the 4s, 6s, 7s, 8s and 9s. Not bad and pretty much what I expected, MashaALLAH.
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