First time parents in general have a hard time figuring out a number of things where their children are concerned. Fears about raising them properly in accordance to Islamic teachings, teaching them morals and values, educating them about kindness towards others and other common aspects of Islam can be quite intense for a number of parents. In the older times when joint family systems were prevalent in the Middle Eastern and Asian cultures, these fears were quelled by the advice and help of the elders of the family, who were always around to help out and aid the new parents. Today with independent families and working mothers, it has become essential to get aid from the useful Islamic books available about parenting techniques to raise a healthy and happy little Muslim.
Many great scholars have imparted useful parenting tips and common practices with the help of informative Islamic books which help new parents to learn about various aspects of child rearing in light f Shari'ah and Sunnah. A few of the prevailing Islamic books include:
Bringing up Children in Islam: Written by Shaykh Abdullah Naasih Ulwaan and published by Darul Ishaat, this is one of the popular Islamic books with informative and helpful ways to raising good Muslim children. It is an adaptation of the popular Arabic book "Tarbiyat al-awlad fi al-Islam" and covers in depth almost all facets of the subject in a simple and concise way.
Raising Children in the Light of the Qur'aan & Sunnah: By the author Abdus-Salaam bin Abdillaah As - Sulaymaan, this is one the best Islamic books, which contain a wealth of information about bringing up your child according to the teachings of Islam. This book discusses parenting ways from the time a baby is born up to the adolescent ages. Written in a simple and easy to understand way, this book presents evidence from the Quran and Sunnah about the best child rearing techniques in Islam.
The Greatest Gift: A Guide to Parenting: For Muslims living in the Western society and facing issues about raising their children in light of Islam in circumstances which are by far the most appropriate, this is another one of the great Islamic books which helps the parents to understand the issues they are facing in a complete way. The author Muhammad Abdul Bari tries to help the parents experiencing desperation in raising good Muslims in this detailed book.
These are just a few of the Islamic books which are being used by Muslim parents all over the world to help raise better Muslims which become an essential part of the Islamic community.
Sohail Khan works for Islamic Impressions which specializes in retail and wholesale products for the Islamic market and stocks a wide range of Islamic books on all subjects to buy online or in our stores in London, Birmingham, Denmark and Trinidad.
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