I am very excited about using Saxon. The phonics program is 28 weeks, which breaks down to 140 lessons, 4 lessons and then an assessment. There are workbooks, games, readers, spelling tests, the works. Saxon teaches the affixes, digraphs, diphthongs, etc.

I read about the advantages and disadvantages of Saxon and I think for us, it is the way to go. I'm not much of an unschooler - I need the structure because I am way too paranoid about skipping something and ruining her educational foundation, especially in math.

I am excited about her natural aptitude,alhamduLILLAH, but I want to make sure she has the discipline to learn the things with which she is not so comfortable. I notice her boredom or sudden weariness when we get to something difficult or tedious like handwriting, so I push onwards a little and ignore the whining. Most of the time I think she is just testing my limitations and if I encourage her to continue she does well. Now, we have to wait for the other books. :)
By the way, if you go to this link there are many different pictures available to make your own mural.

I will color them and cut them out for our bulletin board, InshaALLAH. There are also a myriad of other types of pictures and such for posters, bookmarks, classroom decorations and so on.
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