I can remember my mother reading or reciting nursery rhymes to me as a child and now I can do the same for my little ones. They like to hear them and often sing or say them on their own throughout the day.
Today, we continued with Saxon and did a little bit of hands on activities about frogs as part of the Islamic Studies series, Who is your Lord? They learned that ALLAH created everything, even the animals, in this case, frogs.

They colored the eyes black to take out the faces!

We also did a little mosque construction today and my daughter asked me why it came with four pillars instead of five, lol. She's slowly learning about the five pillars of Islam and I thought this was cute.

I got this from the Online Islamic Store website and I think it's a real blessing. As much as I like and support some Melissa and Doug products, I like to see things that identify with our way of life.

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