Oh, and I was excited to get this in the mail today:

It's available at Islamic Bookstore. The kids are at the age where they are getting a bit rowdy with one another and they are starting to have issues with sharing and pushing so I have to step in right away. I want them to treat one another with respect in the home as well as outside. The cards are neat; I think everyone could benefit from these, not just Muslims. You can't go wrong respecting your elders or visiting the sick and there's so much baraka to be gained from doing so.

We have nearly finished the Calvert Kindergarten curriculum and it's time to figure out what to do next. I ordered Saxon Math 1 and am very excited to get it. I've read a lot of good things about it and hope that it helps me to not only keep my daughter on track but give her a good foundation. As for the rest of the curriculum, that is still being decided.
My son is of preschool age (2) so I have to get started on that as well. He's learning the Arabic alphabet now via Alif is for Asad which is excellent, and with this puzzle that we purchased from Noor Art some time ago.

We also need to work on potty training and I hope Elmo helps me get the job done a little easier because the boy so far is what I would call a bit reluctant.

We used to watch Art Attack
all the time and I always wanted to do some type of Papier-mâché because it looked so simple and fun. I remember making an elephant in grade school and it turned out really well. My daughter has an interest in planets and solar systems right now so we have dabbled in an informal unit study on planets. Science and social studies are introduced in first grade so I think I might make some lapbooks. In the meantime, we made the planet earth and it is so cool!

I can't believe how well it turned out and must say we are quite proud of it. Now, we just need to do the rest of the solar system - and the moon, eek!
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