Today we plowed ahead though the Saxon Phonics program with ease. Everything was pretty basic because she has been able to read since October. The challenge for her is learning the rules for coding vowels and remembering them.
There are nice activities for which you prepare the night before - it takes all of five minutes of sit down time. There were mini spelling tests which gave her no problem. Next week, InshaALLAH, there will be more involved tests.
We try to do something fun and artistic each week as well. This week was mostly clay modeling and we did some abstract painting. This is my daughter's painting which she insisted had to be done on a cardboard canvas:

I made a smaller felt board so that the children would have access to the felt story pieces all the time since they enjoyed them so much. My son cries when I have them put the pieces away but I have to keep them from my youngest daughter because she is one and some of the pieces are tiny.

This board is just a smaller white board that we already had that was difficult to write on. I took the green piece of felt and covered it. The seller flannelfunforall has lots of flannel sets and even gives a discount if you buy a few sets at a time (five, ten, or twenty);the five sets sell for about $18CDN. That's cheaper than a set that I saw at the local bookstore, even with shipping.

To supplement her handwriting, we continued with the "Who is your Lord?" series from www.TalibiddeenJr.com

This is going well because she likes to tell everyone in the house who her Lord is and who their Lord is, etc. She uses English and Arabic interchangeably when she can.

MashaALLAH, please go to the site and take a look at the content there, she has done a great job.

We've slowly been doing the Five Pillars of Islam as well. We have one more to go and our wall will be complete, InshaALLAH.

I think I might take some of these worksheets and use them in lapbooks soon, InshaALLAH.
I have a few things that need some attention, like my make-shift bulletin board that I set up last September :

On the opposite wall, we have posters to help with Arabic:

and we have a flag of the Khalifah also which can be seen here in this older classroom photo:

After we finished the lessons on stranger danger, I immediately began to teach my daughter her phone number and AlhamduLILLAH, she had no trouble with this. Now, we will work on our address, InshaALLAH.
With all of this, we still missed a day of school due to scheduled doctor's appointments, not to mention we are waiting on our math book to arrive (InshaALLAH this week, ameen), so we will have a little bit of school on Saturday and then I will spend some time fitting in our science and social studies lessons since the books are here.
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