We decided to get out into the sunshine and explore our usual spot yesterday. It was breezy and warm but not overly so and I was glad because I am not a hot weather kind of person (I'm not a cold weather person either, lol). This has been a rather comfortable summer so I am thankful for that, AlhamduLILLAH.

Usually I am sweating and miserable from the humidity. I'm trying to be more active too and taking the kids on a long walk (it's about 3/4 of a mile) ensures that I get some form of activity even on the days that I don't exercise.

The kids always find something new to get into and they like to bring home their "treasures".

This time, they brought along their "nature bag" and filled it up with lots of goodies.

We always go along the creek that runs close to our house. So far, I haven't seen any area that is safe enough for the children to climb down to the water so we just look from above. In the colder months, these rocks are covered with rushing water and you can hardly see them. What a difference the weather makes.

Now we have a lot of wilting greens and flowers and some nice big pieces of fallen trees and I need to find some place to put it all.

It's funny to watch them explore because they will pick up vegetation but then get squeamish when the bugs show up! I admit that I am the same way but I don't run away screaming like they do, even when I see these. We have them in the house and it's usually me that has the encounter.
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