So last night I (mostly) finished our first lapbook. It was very quick and easy and I think it will help us to count our change, InshaALLAH. I finished the rest this morning before we started school. The cover was taken from fotosearch and because I didn't sign up for the membership there was a copyright logo on the front which doesn't bother me one bit, but if it bothers you, look somewhere else for some free clip art - there are plenty of places out there.
The templates for the lapbook were provided by lapbooks by carisa and by making learning fun.
There were a couple things that I altered, like the Bible verse section. I took out the verse and provided an appropriate hadith. This also comes in handy when discussing zakat.

I also colored the faces of the coins:

My favorite parts were the mini-book, which gives plenty of practice with addition and learning the values of coins,

the vocabulary section, that has a hands-on spelling game,

and the pet shop game. This game asks how much each pet costs. There are various coin-sized circles at the bottom that add up to the amount on the coin. This aids in coin recognition.

It was a very cute lapbook. From start to finish it took about an hour.

Whenever I find something like this on the net, I take what I can use, leave what is not according to the Qur'an and Sunnah and add what benefits us, InshaALLAH.
Overall, it was fun to make and my daughter really likes it so we may do this again very soon!
We also had our first social studies lesson, about school (what it looks like, the importance of following rules, etc).

This is a drawing of our house. The yellow part is our classroom in the basement. The other stuff is the playground in the back. She spelled and wrote the sentence by herself.
Science was a lot of fun too. We are studying trees. It has warmed up a bit so the kids are able to get out and see trees up close for themselves. This first unit familiarizes them with the parts of a tree and their function. We did lessons one and two today.

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