My husband is working with her in the evenings and I work with her in the mornings. The key for her is repetition and consistency. For the first few days, we say it together and then she recites on her own. My son is two years old and he's starting to pick it up as well, alhamduLILLAH.
We are doing well with the Saxon Phonics and I am trying to have sabr because part of the math program isn't here yet. InshaALLAH I should have it no later than next week. Canadian mail is awfully slow sometimes.
We are still doing our unit on trees, so I tried to be a little creative today. While my daughter finished her social studies work, I quickly drew a tree and made labels to correspond with the parts of the tree that we are studying. Then she glued them to the proper spots. I'm no artist, but my drawing served its purpose, lol.

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