I can't believe how many people have accessed this blog over the past few weeks. It's very exciting to see that people from far away are visiting us like Malaysia, Peru, Japan and Europe among others. I've also received very lovely and encouraging emails from some of you and I thank you very much. Sometimes it may feel like one's work can really feel unappreciated or unnoticed but really one never can tell who is watching.
To the people who are reading this I ask: do you homeschool or are you thinking about it? Do you have any tips or valuable tools? Don't be shy, (says the shy homeschooling mom); feel free to email me or leave a comment on the blog. Let me know about your progress and challenges. For those of you in the U.K.: do you have a large community of homeschoolers there? Is it encouraged among the Muslim population? How is the quality of education in the Islamic schools and are they expensive? Same question for those of you in the States. JazakALLAH Khair.
We are making a book about leaves . It is really just a way to practice handwriting and an excuse for coloring.

We have to laminate it and cut out the circles. Then I will punch a hole in it and use a brass tack to hold it together, InshaALLAH. We have just completed chapter one in our science book about the parts of trees and how trees change throughout the seasons. We are anxiously awaiting a more spring-like temperature (we still have snow on the ground and possibly more on the way).
In the meantime, we bought some sunflower seeds from Walmart.

However, we must wait until the last threat of frost, which according to this is the 9th of May.
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