When we started our school year, August 3, I scheduled time for my daughter to read each day. Then, I noticed that she was spending all of her off time reading and moving ahead in her reading program and pretty soon, we were catching her in the middle of the night, reading when she was supposed to be sleeping, reading next to the nightlight, (Oh the horror! Her poor little eyes).
Then, I started having flashbacks to the the Book It! Program from Pizza Hut, (do you remember it?)
In case you're wondering:
I am a home educator. Am I eligible to participate in BOOK IT!?
Yes, if you are a home educator and your K-6 child does not attend another educational facility, you are eligible to participate. All materials for the 2009-10 program have been allocated.
Since we missed it for this year, we will continue on our own and I will give her a small prize when she reaches 25 chapter books read (she's read 20 books - 19 chapter books) and a grand prize at 50 chapter books, InshaALLAH. She has to reach the goal by August 3, but I think she might do it by the end of spring.
Canada and Puerto Rico go here for your Book It! infomation.
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