We were able to schedule some exercise (they get it when they play but it's nice to have something structured), and a scheduled snack.
Qur'an is not neglected anymore, AlhamduLILLAH. It's right there in her workbox so when it comes up, she goes to the computer and plays her mp3 to learn her surah. She knows all of Suratul Balad now except one line, mashaALLAH. Later in the day, we recite what we know and practice with one another or she works with her Dad while I work with her younger brother. MashaALLAH, he knows Fatiha, and Nas and part of Ayatul Kursi now.
I still have readers from Calvert School (bought on Ebay a long time ago) so I pulled them out to work with my son. He's doing well but he prefers to read from lined paper instead of the book for some reason. I wrote the sentences on paper and then I gave him a crayon and asked him to search for certain words and circle them.
I visited Islamic Bulletin Boards and downloaded the 99 Names and Attributes of ALLAH thermometer - another task that we need to add to the list, InshaALLAH.
There's always much to do but InshaALLAH we'll get it done.
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